Things to do and places to visit in Arlington Heights, Springfield

Things to do and places to visit in Arlington Heights, Springfield

North School Park

Located in the heart of Arlington Heights, North School Park is a picturesque green space that offers a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The park features a serene pond, perfect for leisurely strolls or simply unwinding surrounded by nature's beauty. With well-maintained walking paths, lush greenery, and colorful flowers, North School Park is a popular spot for both locals and visitors to relax and connect with the outdoors.

In addition to its natural charm, North School Park often hosts community events and festivals, making it a vibrant hub of activity throughout the year. From summer concerts to craft fairs, there is always something exciting happening at the park. Whether you're looking for a quiet place to read a book, enjoy a picnic with loved ones, or partake in the lively community events, North School Park offers a welcoming ambiance for all to enjoy.

North School Park

Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center

The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center in Arlington Heights is a poignant and powerful tribute to the victims and survivors of the Holocaust. This museum serves as a place of remembrance and education, inviting visitors to reflect on the atrocities of the past and consider how they can contribute to a more compassionate and just world.

Through compelling exhibits, personal testimonies, and interactive displays, visitors can gain a deeper understanding of the horrors of the Holocaust and the resilience of those who endured it. The museum's mission to educate future generations about the importance of tolerance, empathy, and standing up against injustice is both timely and crucial in today's world.

Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center

Springfield Old State Capitol

The Springfield Old State Capitol is a historic landmark that offers visitors a glimpse into the political history of Illinois. This majestic building served as the state's capitol from 1839 to 1876 and witnessed important events such as Abraham Lincoln's famous "House Divided" speech. As you step inside, you can explore the beautifully restored legislative chambers, ornate woodwork, and historic artifacts that bring the past to life.

One highlight of the Springfield Old State Capitol is the courtroom where Lincoln argued cases as a lawyer. It is a fascinating experience to stand in the same room where the future president honed his legal skills and made his mark on American history. The museum exhibits also showcase the evolution of democracy in Illinois and the significant role that Springfield played in shaping the state's political landscape. A visit to this iconic landmark is a must for history enthusiasts and anyone interested in learning about the rich heritage of Illinois.

Springfield Old State Capitol

Lincoln Home National Historic Site

The Lincoln Home National Historic Site in Springfield, Illinois, offers visitors a glimpse into the personal life of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. This historic site includes the only home that Lincoln ever owned, providing a unique opportunity to see where he lived and worked before becoming president. The restored neighborhood surrounding the home allows visitors to step back in time and experience what life was like during Lincoln's residency.

Visitors can take guided tours of the Lincoln Home, exploring the various rooms where the Lincoln family lived from 1844 to 1861. The site offers a fascinating look at the domestic side of Lincoln's life, showcasing original family belongings and furnishings. The architecture of the home reflects the style of the mid-1800s, giving visitors a sense of the time period in which Lincoln rose to prominence in American politics.

Lincoln Home National Historic Site


What is North School Park in Arlington Heights known for?

North School Park in Arlington Heights is known for its beautiful gardens, playgrounds, and walking paths, making it a popular spot for families and visitors to enjoy outdoor activities.

What can visitors learn at the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center in Springfield?

The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center in Springfield offers visitors the opportunity to learn about the history of the Holocaust through powerful exhibits, educational programs, and survivor testimonies.

Why is the Springfield Old State Capitol a must-visit attraction?

The Springfield Old State Capitol is a must-visit attraction because it served as the state capitol building from 1839 to 1876 and was the site of Abraham Lincoln's famous "House Divided" speech in 1858.

What makes the Lincoln Home National Historic Site significant?

The Lincoln Home National Historic Site is significant as it was the only home that Abraham Lincoln ever owned, providing visitors with a glimpse into the personal life of the 16th President of the United States.

Are there guided tours available at these attractions in Arlington Heights and Springfield?

Yes, guided tours are available at North School Park, the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, Springfield Old State Capitol, and the Lincoln Home National Historic Site, offering visitors a more in-depth experience during their visit.